Acts of random kindness for your business.
Acts of random kindness programs designed by experts.
Acts of random kindness are good for everyone.
Acts of random kindness are a great way to do something for others and potentially help yourself in the process. Acts of random kindness can spread positivity and make someone’s day a little brighter and you will feel great for doing it.
You could buy someone a coffee, help a friend with a problem, help out an elderly person, give someone a lift, hold the door open or cook lunch for your colleagues. Or you could do something bigger like raise funds to donate to a charity or help out with a volunteer organization. Simple gestures can make a big difference.

Acts of random kindness for business.
For business owners, doing something special for your employees or customers not only feels good, but can have a positive impact on your business.Below are some potential benefits of incorporating acts of random kindness into your business.
- Boost employee morale
- Boost employee productivity
- Generate positive customer and employee reviews
- Build customer loyalty
- Create positive PR
- Improve brand reputation
- Boost your standing as a socially responsible organisation.

How to incorporate acts of random kindness into your business or organisation.
There are many ways to incorporate random acts of kindness into your daily business activities. Here are a few ideas to get you started.
Reward and acknowledge colleagues when they do something well.
Reward and acknowledge a colleague’s hard work and dedication.
Reward and acknowledge colleagues when they go the extra mile.
Buy lunch or coffee for your team.
Acknowledge birthdays or special occasions with a card or gift.
Take time to recognize the small wins and successes of those around you.
Bring in a treat for the office.
Write a thoughtful note to a customer, thanking them for their business.
Include a small gesture like a bunch of flowers or a box of chocolates
Send a thank-you card to a client who gave you feedback.
Include a discount voucher for their next purchase.
Send an apology letter and a small token, like a gift card, to a customer that has had poor service or a problem with a product or delivery.
Share Your Initiatives

Systemise you your acts of random kindness program.
A few simple acts of random kingdom kindness can seem like a lot of fun. However, if you are looking to roll out your acts of random kindness and turn it into a fully managed program, then you will probably need help.
Scale can be achieved by devolving responsibility to section heads or line managers. But you will need careful control of budgets and clear and concise reporting to help you understand the value of your program. This is where Simply Thank You can help. We have the experience, systems and rewards to help you build an integrated program that is fully managed and carefully monitored.